Our payload for NASA SL will include a multi-stage assembly that will lead the upper portion of our rocket to have a vertical landing via landing gear. From there, a small drill bit will deploy and collect a soil sample. This sample will then be loaded into another smaller rocket using a diverter to simulate collecting samples from the surface of Mars. Our payload will also house all the in-flight electronics required of the competition such as GPS tracking and altimeters which will both be completely redundant
The Electronics/Recovery portion of our mission includes all the inflight computers, the altimeters, GPS tracking, electronics for launch procedures, and electronics involved in the function/release of our payload. All of these systems are not cheap and must be completely redundant due to the rules of the competition. The recovery portion of our mission involves creating a system involving a multi-stage parachute to safely prevent our rocket from crashing to the ground and destroying our payload
Our flight vehicle will be a rocket made of fiberglass that stands about 6ft tall and has a diameter of 5-8 inches, permitting final design changes due to research restrictions and safety. This rocket will have the duty of carrying our payload, and in-flight electronics, up to 1 mile of altitude
Our safety team will create a launch and safety checklist that will be during each launch. Every possible hazard will be identified and a plan will be made in order to prevent these hazards. Each potential hazards will be labeled in a safety index that we have created based on the chance of occurring and the level of danger. Safety will be out number one priority before, during, and after each launch.