The Camas Rocketry Club of Camas High School is a Rocketry team that participates in both The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC) and the NASA Student Launch Initiative.
In 2019, as part of a MAGNET research project at Camas High School, four of our members partook in The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC). TARC is a national competition wherein students design, build, and launch rockets into FAA air space and record the results. Our first year, we took 58th in the nation out of nearly 1000 teams and first in WA state. Additionally, we developed a spreadsheet using proven equations to help make model rocketry approximations more accurate. In 2020, we took 18th in the nation for TARC and were then invited to apply for the NASA Student Launch competition. In order to compete with NASA, we had to grow our team by 3 members and become a recognized student club at Camas High School. We've also recruited additional students and mentors from NASA, Boeing, US Digital, and Intel to help us tackle our enormous goals for our rocket. The NASA Student Launch Competition is a university level competition hosted as part of the Artemis Programs through NASA. Every year NASA opens a limited number of spots for non-university teams who must then submit a competitive proposal to gain a spot in the competition. All told, NASA Student Launch invited 60 teams this year of which only 16 were high school teams. These 60 teams must now pass the rigorous requirements and deadlines imposed by NASA to continue to advance in the competition. After all previous deadlines are met, we will have the opportunity to continue forward with an final launch in Huntsville, AL in the Spring of 2022. The purpose of NASA Student Launch is to provide a similar experience to that of being under a real NASA contract. This experience will be very beneficial to the students participating and will help prepare members of our team for life beyond school.